Long term installation

When you choose for a long term installation it is wise to add security accessories to your installation, like small and/or big baseplates for the side and/or center poles.  Base plates keep the poles in position at all times.  On top of the tent you should add one or more (depending on the size of the tent) storm ratchets to prevent the tent sail from getting lifted in case of high winds.  It is important to check the tension of your tent every couple of weeks, to ensure it is still tensioned as it should.


Our tents are able to carry high winds up to 120km/h.

When winds reach more then 75km/h its important to open the sidewalls so that the wind can blow through the tent.

It is very important at that moment that the tent is still firmly anchored all around.

It is necessary to permanently melt the snow on top of your tent. The best way to do this is to heat the tent with a special heating device.

Attention: ideally the tent should be heated before it starts snowing! This prevents the tent from collapsing under the weight of snow or ice.  So always keep an eye of possible snowfall in the Winter, if you live in a region where snowfall is possible.